No matter how lost we are
In the labyrinth of life
I'll find my way back to you
Just where you are
For you are the home
I carry within me
Through trials and trails
No one talks about
No matter how lost we are
In the labyrinth of life
I'll find my way back to you
Just where you are
For you are the home
I carry within me
Through trials and trails
No one talks about
Coming home to you is
Coming home to myself
Darkness and desolation
Dissipate in the light of
Our unstoppable union
Unspoken words and
unhealed wounds
Wordless spaces and
nameless desires
Dance with the tides
of our mingling breaths
We belong in this abyss
Unrooted from our chosen paths
We belong to each other
Inseparable in body and spirit
We belong to ourselves
Embracing the truths of being
Cat infested with maggots
Half decayed, half living
Came to my door step
To lay its head until death arrived
Body rotting,
Soul seeking redemption
I looked on
Helpless and shaken
Offering to quench the
Thirst of a dying animal
Mulling over the futility
Of worldly trappings
Bodily desires
Yearning and heartache
Withered away
As the spoils of life
Evoked the kindred spirit
Of mortal beings