To all the nameless places you go
I wouldn't have to wait to see you then
Because I'd be where you are
I'd see the same things you see
I'd hear the same cries you hear
There are broken chains everywhere
I'm unbound by the thoughts that cage you
They dance around me in funny ways
I see patterns but I refuse to make them mine
You are flirting with them like you always do
Unsure whether to let them in or just die out
I know you observe me from a distance
I know you are in pain
I've been through it all
It's the same things we are running away from
It's the same shores we are sailing toward
You have strong oars and stronger arms
I am weak and the waves are rough
But my soul has weathered tougher storms
It has found strength through all the weakness
To wade through the mysteries in your mind
To brush aside the futility you utter in myriad ways
I am left with no obvious solutions
Even when I'm the one weaving the problem
You try to make sense of me
In ways you have perfected over time
It soothes you for a while
Because failure is something you can't accept
But truth is fiercer and it will bite back
From the explanations you've given yourself
I don't claim to know the reality of things
But at least I don't belittle it by oversimplifying
Where are you?
I just want to see you
Come to me